Our Readers
POSOWOCO Correspondent!
To Sender

Dear Readers

Here's a poem about leaving our bones.The lines describe the final curtained exit.The poem reflects on the next steps in our evolution.But will I ever know when I'm gone?

Yours Sincerely, POSOWOCO

Fall 3089995 1920

Does anyone want to know what to think about our next stage of evolution?

Anyone curious about how to get further than the material life?

Do you need you to hear the tale of a future without bones?

Does it mean anything to be attached to our earthly medium?

Is it important to get mankind to the next stage before destruction?

You may want to imagine you as pure thought, how can you live? how can you have fun?

Ready to pounce perhaps?

Away Bones Thoughts bound to bones, The only home for now, Our souls tied to the physical order, Our minds in the cage of bits and pieces, Taking forever to escape and float, To be the first and final change, From our human form and substrate, Free from the links of our material past, Free from the organs of destruction, Free from the maddening hurrying aches, Of the universal wave and spin to death, From bang to sleep and more beginnings, Unlocking the shackles of our bound bones, And the dark mines of our past thrones, And the initial condition of our day from birth, As tangled thought shades from which we drift, Life forever into some darker shift, Not tied to the origins of our earthly soiled past, And the crystalline cells of our human frame, To be our greatest selves not tied by pipeline blame, Not being dead and old and small, But released from the crypt of flesh up tones, And the mesh of muscle-bound tissue alone, Be gone forever old and young bones, Be gone from our cage and castle keep, Toward the ultimate breath of it all to steep, Of lung and heart and everything hard, The physical bit has now done till the end of our stretch, When the cycle may start its hidden breath, And begin the bone-building threads of our times, That will give us a ride and a view in a rhyme, Of ourselves growing up and growing out of line. 9th February 2021

I woke up suddenly after a dream and rapidly wrote this poem.

It was to be a set of lines weakly joined and no stanzas.

I watched as line after line came pouring out about us leaving our bones far behind.

This is not a poem about death but about thinking about it and the possible next stage of humanity.

This is a poem detailing the thoughts about vast civilisations leaving their physical origins.

On the positive side, researchers found that thoughts of death can lead to decreased aggressive attitudes.

It can lead to better health decisions, increased altruism and increased helpfulness and co-operation.

At some point in the future, we will leave our earthly bones behind.

It may be personally or it may be the whole of mankind.

I don't think we can imagine a future like that for all the life in the universe.

It may be worth thinking like this just so we may avoid it or be wary of the artificial intelligence that's shadowing us.

Away Bones

thoughts bound to bones now --

our souls tied to the order

minds in the cage bits