Our Readers
POSOWOCO Correspondent!
To Sender

Dear Readers

Here's a poem about a Bungalow.Some warm words for nice low-level living.So warm and cozy with all this bad weather.Come join me just for a week or two?

Yours Sincerely, POSOWOCO

Wooden Floor 1853405 1280

Anyone fancy a house that's on the level?

Listen to a tune for moving into your dream home for ever?

You don't want to go up down stairs all day long?

Somewhere near the sea? or in the remote countryside?

Somewhere Quiet The joy of silence We sometimes have a dream To retire somewhere quiet and forgiving One place to rest With everything you need And a quiet life The daily tick tock of life Is allowed to progress In peace and at will The bungalow is now that enabler And may bring out a new you Or make you rattle around in your head. You see It's not where you go You always have yourself with you Your home has always been Your body So take good care of it Just like this magical bungalow Oh and it's by the seaside...

Somewhere Quiet

the joy of silence --

we sometimes have a dream

to retire quiet

The Bungalow Sometimes I know, A place by the fire, Is all I want. In my new bungalow, Nesting near the sea, It has waited for me. When I am there, Wrapped up in it all, Wrapped up by the walls. I can feel peace, I can find sleep, Or perhaps a walk today?. No stairs are there, For me to climb, Which makes me smile. A light garden work, A read of a book, A much lower roof. I now close the door, On my bungalow heaven, Now my softly minder. 5th May 2019