Our Readers
POSOWOCO Correspondent!
To Sender

Dear Readers

Here's a poem about lying in a ditch in the cold of winter.Some lines about dying there and then to escape.A verse written just because of a lost love.But will you think less of me or not at all after this?

Yours Sincerely, POSOWOCO

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Does anyone want to know why I would want to ask if I could die here?

Anyone curious about how to get to this state of being?

Do you need you to hear the tale of an unattainable love with no future?

Does everything have to happen the way you want before you throw your toys out of the pram?

Is it important to get into this state just for the experience?

If I Could Die Here When the white wind and ice Come together and I feel sad In this vast, open, lonely stretching land I feel I was born to run and shout I could lay down and die As the life above covers the skies. If I could have had the only chance A dream, a world would be at my face Instead to search amongst the wilds And am here to say good-bye. If I could die here I would just be still And if I die here, no one would ever know The icy torment, the bitter taste of a Forgotten friend that could not hang on. Now as I look and gaze before me I see the icy warrens that channel The cold and hardness where my time Has reached an end in an unreachable place. 24th December 1985

This poem was written after I took a trip to a nature reserve at Gibraltar Point, Lincolnshire, England.

It was cold, icy and desolate and my love for someone was not going as planned, nor would it ever I thought.

As I gazed at the icy creeks, I wondered what it would be like to just die in this vast coldness.

And as I thought that, I had a vision of myself walking away from here to a warm comforting hotel room.

At some near point, you may feel the need to go somewhere remote and contemplate your future.

It may be that you can see no future or have no hope.

You may want to imagine if you could just dissolve into the land (e.g. die here).

This is a poem detailing the thoughts when visiting an isolated spot with no hope of further love.

It needed to be experienced and document so we can see that there is hope later on.

So for all means imagine the future but for goodness sake, remember that the present is all we have got.

It is always worthwhile hanging on, using distraction and growing past the moment into a new world.

If I Could Die Here

the white wind and ice --

come together and I feel

in this vast stretching