Our Readers
POSOWOCO Correspondent!
To Sender

Dear Readers

I just had one of those days in your life you just want to forget, I'd had a party and did things I now regret.It seems I have destroyed my reputation in a flash, And now I can't see a way back...

Yours Sincerely, POSOWOCO

Beach 42375

Anyone like to see the destruction of a person by their own actions?.

Or want some thoughts to go with losing social respect and dignity?.

Perhaps you are wondering what it is like to become a fallen man?.

Or you just want to see the thoughts and shadows of a serial imposter?.

Fallen Man I woke with a startle and felt for my face Been lying for hours of time and had no trace They've all gone and left me alone for the night Was still in the darkness knew nothing was right? The glasses around me have been emptied dry The lights are still burning As they fought my eyes. Back in the armchair knowing nothing at all Remembering faces and the hours to recall So the night is over and I feel a pain. I tried to impress them I shouldn't try again They gave me too much to drink wish I'd had less My face in the mirror explains "You're just a mess". Feel all the memories coming right back Thinking at people despair and attack And all the white bodies and all the new men Couldn't put my past together again. The lights are still burning I am still here Watching the room now I feel full of fear I turn around and start to walk to the door I feel quite heavy - I fall to the floor. 14th July 1979

I wrote this very early poem after yet another dream I had of waking up.

I had spent some time at a party with all of my friends, relatives and colleagues.

I knew something really bad had happened and there I was feeling for my face the morning after.

It was one of those dreams where I didn't really know what I had done wrong.

I now felt like a detached fallen man.

And that there was no way back to the peace of the past.

And that my story had been re-written and reforged for the future.

None of this made much sense at all though.

As I walked towards the door I fell to the floor and everything was silent.

Then I woke again for real.

Fallen Man

I woke with a felt --

been lying for hours of time had

all and left me night