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New post from POSOWOCO!


We have recently added a new post to or collection so we'd like to share it with you

Comic Generator

W3Bvc293b2NvX3Bvc3RjYXJkXQo8cD5EZWFyIHJlYWRlcnM8L3A+CjxwPldlIGhhdmUgcGFja2FnZWQgYSBzaW1wbGUgdG9vbCB0byBnZW5lcmF0ZSBhIGNvbWljIGZyb20geW91ciB3b3Jkcy48L3A+IAo8cD5FbnRlciBzb21lIHRleHQgdG8gc2VlIHRoZSBjb21pYyBjYXBlcnMsIHNlbGVjdCBtdWx0aXBsZSBjb21pYyBzdHJpcCB0eXBlcyE8L3A+CjxwPllvdXJzIHNpbmNlcmVseSwgUE9TT1dPQ088L3A+ClsvcG9zb3dvY29fcG9zdGNhcmRd Anyone not ever seen a comic strip?. Or simple drawings of characters talking to you or another actor?. When should we use comics and are they always appropriate?. Why do we use comics in all our posts?, mainly poetic effect or textual avoidance?. Perhaps sometimes we don't want to write our words using normal text?. The purpose of most …
Fun Beach Comic
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All the best from Mark and the POSOWOCO Team!!!